Nautical activities and lifestyle quality at lac Mercier


We can readily appreciate the beauty of Lac Mercier with it’s unique sunrises and sunsets, the haunting cries of the loon, the lazy movements of a duck family and the coordinated paddling of dragon boat crews.

But this small lake of less than 3 km is the source of significant conflicts between the practitioners of different nautical activities.

Numerous attempts at compromise and adjustment have been made.

Chronology of our requests relating to nautical activities

This page is available on the website



Lac Mercier is only 288 meters wide at the center of the lake. Erosion caused by the large waves is most noticeable along the shore of the narrowest part of the lake.



Impact of large waves:

Recent scientific studies have shown that artificially created large waves cause significant damage to the shoreline and natural habitats, and re-suspension of sediments.

Impact of large waves on shoreline – studies

Damage is also caused to structures such as floating docks and the boats that are attached thereto, and the large waves also present risks to swimmers and to small watercraft.


City’s Lake management committee

In the context of the Municipality’s policy relating to the access and usage of our lakes during 2010, a lake management committee was created, in order to establish rules and environmental codes of conduct, for each lake in the territory.

In order to ensure the permanence of the lake, it’s accessibility, tranquility and the security of the users, the City has taken the following principles into consideration:

-the importance of putting in place measures to protect the quality of the lake such as the obligatory washing of boats prior to launch,

-the requirement that all operators of motorboats be informed about the environmental and courtesy code of conduct,

-the requirement of enforcing better control over boat launches from the municipal boat ramp,

-the capacity of the lake to safely accommodate additional motorized craft by limiting the number of daily launches to five (5).

City of Mont-Tremblant : regulation (2015)-A-43

The regulations that are in force and the environmental and nautical code of conduct have been posted on a panel near the boat-launching area of the public beach.

Amongst the code of conduct recommendations can be found:

  • Water-skiing is permitted only beyond a 60 meter perimeter from the shoreline
  • Wakeboard and wake skate activities are permitted only beyond 100 meters of the shore
  • Rapid motorboat activities are permitted between 09:00h and 20:00h.
Courtesy Code of Nautical conduct on Lac Mercier.

L’Association du lac Mercier share the objectives of the city of Mont-Tremblant, insofar as they relate to the perpetual protection of the shoreline, access to the lake for residents of the Mont-Tremblant, and the guarantee of tranquility and security to all those that enjoy use of the lake.

The essence of a code of nautical ethics is to maintain a balance between the protection of the environment, the interests of lakefront residents, and the pleasures of country life, while ensuring a harmonious cohabitation amongst the various users of the lake.



We are hopefully optimistic that we will get the collaboration of all the water skiers and wakeboarders, so that all those that utilize the lake, and those that reside along  the shoreline, can enjoy their activities in harmony.


Regulations, security and nautical courtesy.

The City of Mont Tremblant police service is reminding the population about the rules of nautical security and the regulations that apply to all operators of motorized watercraft.

Access to the boat ramp near lac Mercier beach

The city of Mont-Tremblant has introduced new measures for Spring 2015 in order to maintain better control of the boat ramp. Amongst these measures, there is now a more rigorous control over the loaner keys for the gate and the installation of a video camera (CCTV) to verify the entrances and exits using the boat ramp.


Access to the boat ramp is prohibited to personal watercraft and wakeboat-type vessels. However, lakeside owners on lac Mercier who own a wakeboat will retain their access to the ramp.

The current bylaws remain in effect for all users of the boat ramp, including the requirement for certified washing of all boats.

City of Mont-Tremblant : regulation (2018)-159

City of Mont-Tremblant : Bylaw  Boat ramp at lac Mercier